Forskningskartläggning: Texter inom ämnesområde

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15. Papperslöshet

Hansson, 2008 🔗

Sårbarhet och möjligheter – Om papperslösa immigranters situation i majoritetssamhället 

Khosravi, 2010 🔗

An Ethnography of migrant ’illegality’ in Sweden: Included yet excepted?

Klingberg, 2015 🔗

Tandvård för dem som inte kan betala: Etiska aspekter på tandvård för papperslösa

Lind, 2018 🔗

Sacrificing Parents on the Altar of Children’s Rights : Intergenerational Struggles and Rights in Deportability

Lind, 2020 🔗

The Continuous Spatial Vulnerability of Undocumented Migrants: Connecting Experiences of “Displaceability” at Different Scales and Sites

Lundberg & Spång, 2017 🔗

Deportability status as Basis for Human Rights Claims – Irregularised Migrant’ Rights to Health Care in Sweden

Nielsen, 2016 🔗

Challenging Rightlessness: On Irregular Migrants and the Contestaion of Welfare State Demarcation in Sweden

Nordling, 2017 🔗

Destabalizing citizenship practices? Social Work and Undocumented Migrants in Sweden

Ohlson, 2006 🔗

Irreguljära migranter – osynliggjorda och diskriminerade inom sjukvården

Sager, 2015 🔗

Constructions of deportability in Sweden: refused asylum seekers’ experiences in relation to gender, family life and reproduction

Sager, 2011 🔗

Everyday Clandestinity: Experiences on the Margins of Citizenship and Migration Policies

Wahlström Smith, 2018

‘Hiding in Plain Sight’: Daily Strategies and Fear Management among Undocumented Refugee Children in Sweden

Zelano, 2018 🔗

Balancing informality and need – policy responses to informal East-West migration in Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden