Flyktingen och dess politik i ett föränderligt samhälle
Forskningskartläggning: Texter inom ämnesområde
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Johansson, 2015 🔗
Svensk invandrings- och flyktingpolitik
Jutvik, 2020 🔗
Governing Migration – On the Emergence and Effects of Policies Related to the Settlement and Inclusion of Refugees
Pannia, Federico, Terlizzi, & D’Amato, 2018 🔗
Comparative Report: Legal and Policy Framework of Migration Governance
Suter & Qvist, 2011 🔗
The National Policy Frame for the Integration of Newcomers: The Swedish Case
Bengtsson, 2002 🔗
Stat och kommun i makt(o)balans : En studie av flyktingmottagandet
Myrberg, 2017 🔗
Local challenges and national concerns: municipal level responses to national refugee settlement policies in Denmark and Sweden
Asztalos Morell & Darvishpour, 2018
Bokkapitel: The securitization of asylum-seeking in Sweden after 2015 in light of experiences of asylum-seeking adolescent girls with roots in Afghanistan
Borevi & Shakra, 2019 🔗
Sweden – Country Report: Border Management and Migration
Emilsson, 2018 🔗
Continuity or change? The refugee crisis and the end of Swedish exceptionalism
Kazemi, 2021 🔗
Unaccompanied Minors (Un-)made in Sweden – Ungrievable Lives and Access to Rights Produced through Policy
Linde, Lindegren & Sundelin, 2021 🔗
High-Stakes counselling: when career counselling may lead to continuing residence or deportation of asylum-seeking youths
Salomonsson & Hedlund, 2018 🔗
Where Do We Go From Here? Challenges and Strategies Following Additional Asylum Policy Restrictions in Sweden
Shakra, Wirman & Szalanska, 2018 🔗
Sweden – Country Report: Legal & Policy Framework of Migration Governance
Tucker, 2018 🔗
Sweden’s Temporary Asylum Law and the Indefinite Statelessness of Refugee
Tucker & Hellström, 2017 🔗
The Indefinite Statelessness of Refugees in Denmark and Sweden: Comparing the Impacts of the Temporary Asylum Laws
Öberg & Sager, 2016 🔗
Articulations of deportability. Changing migration policies in Sweden 2015/2016
Hedlund, Cederborg, & Zamboni, 2016 🔗
The art of the (im)possible: legislators’ experiences of the lawmaking process when reforming migration law
Hydén & Lundberg, 2003 🔗
Inre utlänningskontroll i Schengens Sverige: Dilemma i polisers arbete
Abiri, 2008 🔗
Migration och asylrätt
Abiri, 2000 🔗
The securitisation of migration: towards an understanding of migration policy changes in the 1990s: the case of Sweden
Andersson & Nilsson, 2011
Asylum Seekers and Undocumented Migrants’ Increased Social Rights in Sweden
Bevelander & Petersson, 2014 🔗
”Crisis, oh that crisis!” : The Financial Crisis and its Impacts on Migration in Europe
Bolin, Lidén, & Nyhlén, 2014 🔗
Do Anti-immigration Parties Matter? The Case of the Sweden Democrats and Local Refugee Policy
Borg & Nilsson, 2005 🔗
Från Asylsökande till Illegal Invandring: Implikationer för svensk migrationspolitik
Hinnfors, Spehar & Bucken Knapp, 2012 🔗
The missing factor: why social democracy can lead to restrictive immigration policy
Hovemyr & Ratcovich, 2018 🔗
Rättsliga hinder för att ersätta rätten att söka asyl i EU med ett EU-gemensamt kvotflyktingsystem
Khayati, 2017
Stigmatisering och rasism i det svenska migrationssamtalet och det diasporiska motståndet
Nielsen, 2011 🔗
”The disputed demarcations of the welfare state: Dilemmas of citizenship and migration policy controversy in contemporary Sweden.” ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik
Norström, 2004
I väntan på asyl – retorik och praktik i svensk flyktingpolitik
Schierup, 2010 🔗
”Diversity” and Social Exclusion in Third Way Sweden: The ”Swedish Model” in Transition, 1975–2005
Schierup & Scarpa, 2018 🔗
Migration: ett hot mot välfärden?
Schierup & Scarpa, 2018
Who Undermines the Welfare State? Austerity-Dogmatism and the U-Turn in Swedish Asylum Policy
Schoultz, 2014 🔗
Controlling the Swedish state. Studies on formal and informal bodies of control
Skodo, 2018 🔗
Migrant Smuggling, Reasons for Fleeing, and Uses of Asylum Capital among Afghan Asylum Seekers in Sweden
Slavnic, 2016
In The Shadow Of Uncertainty Refugee protection, short-sighted pragmatism and the problems of mixed “ethnic” identities
Spehar, Bucken Knapp & Hinnefors, 2011 🔗
Ideology and Entry Policy: Why Non-Socialist Parties in Sweden Support Open Door Migration Policies
Stern, 2014 🔗
“Our Refugee Policy is Generous”: Reflections on the Importance of a State’s Self-Image
Södergran, 2000 🔗
Svensk invandrar- och integrationspolitik: en fråga om jämlikhet, demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter
Wennström & Öner, 2019 🔗
Political Hedgehogs: The Geographical Sorting of Refugees in Sweden