Promoting refugees’ right to health and social inclusion: a systemic approach
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Ekblad, 2009 🔗
Upplevd ohälsa hos vuxna asylsökande
Ekblad, Linander & Asplund, 2012
An exploration of the connection between two meaning perspectives: an evidence-based approach to health information delivery to vulnerable groups of Arabic- and Somali-speaking asylum seekers in a Swedish context
Hamed & Bradby, 2017 🔗
Asylsökande barns hälsobehov i Sverige
Jonzon, 2019 🔗
Health assessments of asylum seekers within the Swedish healthcare system
Kjellström, Palaszewski, Cherigui, Telemo, Henning & Asche, 2017 🔗
Asylsökandes vårdkonsumtion i Västra Götaland 2011-2016
Leiler, Bjärtå, Ekdahl & Wasteson, 2019 🔗
Mental health and quality of life among asylum seekers and refugees living in refugee housing facilities in Sweden
Merenius & Sellgren Karlsson, 2020 🔗
Brott och brottutsatthet på kollektiva asylboenden under 2018
Pacheco, Jonzon & Hurtig, 2016
Health assessments and the Right to Health in Seden Asylum seekers’ perspective
Sandahl, Norredam, Hjern, Ascher & Smith Neilsen, 2013
Policies of access to healthcare services for accompanied asylum-seeking children in the Nordic countries
Stubbe Ostergaard, Norredam, Mock Munoz de Luna, Blair, Goldfeld & Hjern, 2017 🔗
Restricted Healthcare entitlements for child migrants in Europe and Australia
Tinghög, Arwidson, Sigvardsdotter, Malm & Saboonchi, 2016 🔗
Nyanlända och asylsökande i Sverige: En studie av psykisk ohälsa, trauma och levnadsvillkor