Social Relationships and Trust in Asylum Seeking Families in Sweden
Forskningskartläggning: Texter inom ämnesområde
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Linell & Keselman, 2012
Trustworthiness at stake. Trust and distrust in investigative interviews with Russian adolescent asylum-seekers in Sweden
Magnusson, 2011
Refugeeship – A project of justification Claiming asylum in England and Sweden
Noll, 2010 🔗
The 2007 rejection of anonymous language analysis by the Swedish Migration Court of Appeal: A precedent?
Ottosson & Lundberg, 2013
‘People Out of Place’? Advocates’ Negotiations on Children’s Participation in the Asylum Application Process in Sweden
Segenstedt, Zamacona Aguirre, Hallstedt, Hökfelt & Petersson, 2015 🔗
Tortyrskador i asylprocessen under lupp: Hur värderas tortyrskador i den svenska asylprocessen och vad krävs för att få skydd?
Stern, 2013 🔗
Country Guidance in Asylum Cases: Approaches in the UK and Sweden
van Veldhuizen, Horselenberg, Landström, Granhag & van Koppen, 2017 🔗
Interviewing asylum seekers: A vignette study on the questions asked to assess credibility of claims about origin and persecution
Wadensjö, Rehnberg & Nikolaidou, 2021 🔗
Tolkfunktionen i asylprocessen
Wadensjö, Rehnberg & Nikolaidou, 2021 🔗
Från tolkad interaktion till enspråkig text – om en asylberättelses framväxt
Andersson, 2012
International conventions and the regulation of migration : The convention on the rights of the child and Sweden