Frivilligresurser under flyktingsituationen – Frivilliga försvarsorganisationer och trossamfunds förmåga att möta samhällets behov hösten 2015
Forskningskartläggning: Texter inom ämnesområde
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Asztalos Morell, 2018 🔗
Contestations of the Swedish Deportation Regime: Civil Mobilisation for and with Afghan Youth
Ideström & Linde, 2019
Welfare State Supporter and Civil Society Activist: Church of Sweden in the “Refugee Crisis” 2015
Joorman, 2018 🔗
Asylstafetten: a longitudinal ethnographic study of protest walks against the detention of asylum seekers in Sweden
Peterson, 2017
Humanitarian Border Workers in Confrontation with the Swedish State’s Border Making Practices: “The Death of the Most Generous Country on Earth”
Söderman, 2019 🔗
Resistance Through Acting: Ambivalent Practices of the No Border Musical
Turunen & Weinryb, 2019
Organizing service delivery on social media platforms? Loosely organized networks, co-optation, and the welfare state