Forskningskartläggning: Texter inom ämnesområde

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16. Spårbyte och annat om arbete med relevans för asyl

Elmkvist, 2018 🔗

Social Integration and labour market access for asylum seekers in Kronoberg county in Sweden

Jutvik & Robinson, 2020

Permanent or temporary settlement?: A study on the short-term effects of residence status on refugees’ labour market participation

Jutvik & Robinson, 2018 🔗

Limited time or secure residence? A study on the short-term effects of temporary and permanent residence permits on labour market participation

Parusel, 2020 🔗

Legal migration for work and training – Mobility options to Sweden for those not in need of protection

Sager, 2011 🔗

“Gömdhet” på arbetsmarknaden : kopplingar mellan arbetsmarknad, migrationspolitik och asylrätt