Contestations of the Swedish Deportation Regime: Civil Mobilisation for and with Afghan Youth
Year: 2018
Type of text: Bokkapitel i Refugee Protection and Civil Society in Europe. s. 319-351
Published by: Palgrave Mamillian
Language: English
Author: IldikĂł Asztalos Morell
Pages: 32
Available at:
Short description of text
“This chapter explores civil societal engagement, both by and on behalf of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) of Afghan origin in Sweden. It focuses on the period starting after 2015, and proceeds through an analysis of the Facebook site: “Stoppa utvisningarna av afghanska ungdomar!” [Stop the deportation of Afghan youths!] ” (320)
Most important results
“Among the most imperative developments, there has been an increased suspicion of UASC’s self-declared age in the asylum process, combined with a medicalisation of age determination. The “writing up” of minors’ age has increased, thereby commonly leading to the rejection of UASC’s asylum claims and a deportation order. Due to a long processing time at the Migration Agency and in the Swedish migration courts, many youths have also turned 18 during their wait for a final case decision.” (320)
“According to FARR [Flyktinggruppernas Riksråd] (Refugees National Council) (2017b), UASC from Afghanistan were particularly negatively affected, since the proportion of those who obtained permits among those who were considered children at the time of the decision declined from 92 to 78%. Those whose age was “written up” have been clearly disadvantaged in the process. Close to half of those who had declared themselves to be children upon arrival and who received decisions between 1 August 2016 and 31 July 2017 had their age “written up”. Only 10% of those whose age was “written up” received some form of residency permit, mainly of a temporary nature. Among those who turned 18 without being written up, the proportion of those who received a residency permit was 42%.” (322-323)
The expressions in the Facebook group can both be classified as “subversive humanitarianism”, with political claims, and “pragmatic voluntarism”, stemming from everyday contacts with UASC offering them practical support. (344-345)
Theoretical perspective/framework
“pragmatic voluntarism”, “subversive humanitarianism” (320)
narrative analysis of posts in “Stoppa utvisningarna av afghanska ungdomar!” [Stop the deportation of Afghan youths!]
“posts on two specific days in May and December 2017, collecting all postings during these two days. These postings and accompanying conversations were saved in two files. The days were chosen in connection with two political events intended to create improved conditions for obtaining residence permits for UASC who are to attend high school studies based on different criteria.” (327)
“The data collection from these two specific days was complemented by a random selection of postings during the months of May and December to help cover thematic clusters that might have not been present during the two specific days in focus.” (327)
“Finally, the analysis was complemented with interviews aimed at contextualising the activities of the website and to further drive the analysis. Most importantly, I conducted an interview with the leader and initiator of the site, Ingrid Eckerman.” (328)
“one important agent for the mobilisation of Afghan youth, Fathemeh Khavari’s personal postings, was collected. I have also listened to two of Fathemeh Khavari’s speeches and had a personal conversation with her about her engagement with UASC from Afghanistan.” (328)