Officialprincipen i Migrationsprocessen – Domstolens utredningsansvar
Forskningskartläggning: Texter inom ämnesområde
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05. Domstolarna
Johannesson, 2018 🔗
Exploring the “Liberal Paradox” from the Inside: Evidence from the Swedish Migration Courts
Johannesson, 2017 🔗
In Courts We Trust – Administrative Justice in Swedish Migration Courts
Johannesson, 2012 🔗
Performing Credibility : Assessments of Asylum Claims in Swedish Migration Courts
Joorman, 2019 🔗
Legitimized Refugees: A Critical Investigation of Legitimacy Claims within the Precedents of Swedish Asylum Law
Martén, 2015 🔗
Political Bias in Court? Lay Judges and Asylum Appeals